Interactive Signage
Displays using dynamically driven content from database or other input (mobile, LAN, AV systems etc.) sources.
Reuters Sign
( - Interactive billboard (New York, 2002)
Aegis Hyposurface (">"> - Shape-shifting wall (1998)
Mirage Motion ( - Motion based video ads
The Source ( - Database driven kinetic visualization sculpture of stock market (London, 2004)
ACCESS ( Robotic spotlight controlled by web-users tracks individuals in public spaces. An acoustic beam system directs sounds onto the same tracked persons, projecting audio that only he/she can hear.
Girls Ambient Room ( Room designed for teenaged Taiwanese girls, using ambient sound and light to display their digital persona (time of day as well as chat, email, mobile communications).
White Christmas ( Interactive Xmas lights in Vienna react to SMS. Sponsoring company also donates 1 Euro to kids' charity for every message sent.
Human Locator ( The Human Locator analyses a camera feed in real time, sending detailed information about people's location, size, and movements.