Public Space and Video

This is a class blog for the course called: Designing Content for Public Space, part of the Content in Motion Minor program at the Hogeschool Van Amsterdam. All of your assignments will be submitted on this blog.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Interactive Signage

Displays using dynamically driven content from database or other input (mobile, LAN, AV systems etc.) sources.

Reuters Sign
( - Interactive billboard (New York, 2002)

Aegis Hyposurface (">"> - Shape-shifting wall (1998)

Mirage Motion ( - Motion based video ads

The Source ( - Database driven kinetic visualization sculpture of stock market (London, 2004)

ACCESS ( Robotic spotlight controlled by web-users tracks individuals in public spaces. An acoustic beam system directs sounds onto the same tracked persons, projecting audio that only he/she can hear.

Girls Ambient Room ( Room designed for teenaged Taiwanese girls, using ambient sound and light to display their digital persona (time of day as well as chat, email, mobile communications).

White Christmas ( Interactive Xmas lights in Vienna react to SMS. Sponsoring company also donates 1 Euro to kids' charity for every message sent.

Human Locator ( The Human Locator analyses a camera feed in real time, sending detailed information about people's location, size, and movements.

Links and References

Static Signage

1. Facsimile- Diller + Scofidio's moving video wall that seamlessly mixes real time content with prerecorded on the facade of Moscone Center (San Francisco, 2005)

2. World's largest media facade (Berlin, 2005)

3. Media facade (Graz, 2004)

4. Gold-framed "portraits" look like gradmother's photographs, but are actually digital monitors with slowly moving videos of actors dressed up

5. A permanent 150 ft installation on the side of the Time Warner Building at Columbus Circle that acts as a clock from 4pm to 11pm.

6. Projection system attached to subway trains (Berlin 2005)