Updates for Next Week
Monday there will be a lecture, but we will cancel the field trip to Schiphol in order to use the remaining class time to concentrate on your projects and hear from Femke about typography styles and other content style.
Please make sure you attend your specified workgroups. I will be there to answer further questions as will Femke.
Wednesday workshops will be used to review your work in progress, so please make sure you have something to share - whether it is a video documentation of your project tests, or an animation of what the final project will appear like. You will be graded on what you show on Wednesday, and you must show something.
Those students that did not present their work this past Monday, and the ones that did not submit their full research, or storyboards we will be expecting everything on Monday - printed and bound. If you delay submitting your research and proposals past Monday we will be docking your grades.